
حسابي إضافة إعلان

Herbal Molasses Elngom Elfakher from Egypt 00201001468371

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التفاصيل :

Free nicotine Free tar FreeTobacco

Available in more than 50
wonderful flavors in the Middle East

We exported to the
distinguished herbal, and it became comparable to and compete with the strongest
types of molasses in the world in taste, reservoir, color and texture, but with
a fundamental difference, and our product is almost harmless. It will turn out
when smoking the effects and internal and external smoking

With sincere wishes for good



Export manager Mohamed






البيانات : (1453)

  • المعلن الشهد والشروق
  • المدينة: الاردن - عمان
  • السعر: 1.0رس
  • تاريخ الإضافة: منذ 3 سنة 9 شهر
  • تاريخ التعديل: منذ 3 سنة 9 شهر
  • وسيلة الاتصال: 00201001468371

التعليقات والردود
